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Warum Biogas?
Problem Kompost
Why digestion?
LCA Agriculture
Plastic waste


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Development Consulting Engineering Analyses Information

biogas, anaerobic, digestion, edelmann, arbeitsgemeinschaft bioenergie, references, projects

YYou may find additional information at the list of publications

Research (studies and experiments)

BUWAL (Department of Environment, Swiss government)
Determination of compost qualities of digested municipal solid wastes

BUWAL (Department of Environment, Swiss government)
Mass flow analysis of organic wastes in Switzerland

BUWAL (Department of Environment, Swiss government)
Study on the state of the art of composting in Switzerland (technologies, chemical analyses, economic determinations, future trends)

BFE (Department of Energy, Swiss Government)
Study on the feasibility of anaerobic digestion of organic wastes originating from households, industries and public grounds; determination of the Swiss biogas potential

BFE (Department of Energy, Swiss Government)
Improving the two stage digestion of municipal and industrial wastes and its comparison to the thermophilic one stage digestion (incl. pilot scale experiments)

BFE (Department of Energy, Swiss Government)
Determination of the possibilities of heat recovery from large, fully automatized composting plants

NEFF (Swiss National Energy Research Foundation)
Study on the possibilities to improve agricultural biogas production technology

NEFF (Swiss National Energy Research Foundation)
Determination of the feasibility of co-digestion of municipal waste waters and organic MSW fraction; pilot experiments at the waste water treatment plant of Frutigen (BE)

Hoffmann La Roche
Determination of the influence of different vitamins and enzyme mixtures on the composting process of municipal solid wastes (laboratory scale and greenhouse experiments)

Hoffmann La Roche
Determination of the influence of different vitamins and enzyme mixtures on the composting process of organic solid wastes (full scale field experiments)

Hoffmann La Roche
Determination of the influence of vitamin mixtures on the anaerobic digestion of different substrates

State of the art of membrane technologies for pretreatment of waste waters before anaerobic digestion

Determination of ecological, energetic and economic impacts of digesting vs. composting or burning organic solid wastes
(paper R99)

Investigation of the gas emissions of the different biotechnological treating methods for biogenic wastes.

Environmental Impact assessment of electricity production by agricultural biogas plants

Study on the state of the art of membrane technologies for anaerobic digestion

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Biowatt AG
Engine for the gasification of firewood

P.Siegl / Biowatt AG
Concept for an integrated plastic gasholder for biogas plants (patented)

Pulsating dynamic anaerobic filter for high rate anaerobic digestion of industrial waste waters (patented)

Development of a modular biogas plant for Swiss agriculture (digester construction material: wood)

Developing a new concept for the intensification of the steps hydrolysis/acidification while digesting   organic municipal solid wastes in two stage / two phase digestion

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in Switzerland

different industries
Feasibility tests for the treatment of organic wastes (ORFA AG, BAER-Weichkäserei, Brennerei ETTER, Hefefabrik Hindelbank, MIROMA Uster, Papierfabrik Utzensdorf, CARDINAL, Papierfabriken Cham/Tennero, Milko, etc.)

OVA Affoltern a.A.
Start up and control of a full scale contact digester for distillery and fruit juice waste water

Airport Zürich-Kloten
Feasibility study on the combination of compost plants with purification of waste waters produced while de-icing the runways and planes

W. Schmid AG
Consulting for the development of thermophilic one stage digestion of MSW and for improving the compost quality of digested kitchen wastes

AWZ, town of Zürich (Abfuhrwesen Zürich)
Feasibility study on the construction of combined digestion/composting plants for the town of Zürich

Town of Basle
Concept for the separate collection of organic municipal solid wastes

different towns and villages
Concepts for waste management; analyses of MSW composition; concepts for local and regional compost plants; concepts for collection of MSW (Kloten, St.Gallen, different smaller cities)

Canton of Zug
study on the possibilities of plastic recycling

Private owners of compost and biogas plants
Comparison of the existing composting technologies; consulting for start-up and running of plants; determination of energy balances of processes etc..

Nestlé SA
Pilot plant experiments for the digestion of coffee pulp; comparison to other methods to treat the pulps

Procter & Gamble
Determination of the feasibility of composting pampers in typical Swiss compost plants

Showing the problems of R&D to the public by digesting the organic restaurant refuse at the Swiss national research exposition "Heureka"

CREM (Martigny)
Improving the performance of the local municipal waste water purification plant



Outside Switzerland

FAO / Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (India)
Consulting of the biogas research department for the build up of a laboratory and improving biogas technology

4E AG (Dietikon/Italy)
Consulting for the development and construction of a full scale plant in Lodi (I) of rotating dynamic anaerobic filters for the treatment of pig manure and municipal wastewaters

DEH / FAO / Madagaskar
Consulting of the Madegassian government for the start up of a country wide biogas program; training of scientists in Switzerland; set up of a laboratory in Antananarivo

GIT (BRD/Paraguay)
Consulting for the construction of a large ethanol plant in Paraguay

Town of Cali / Swisscontact (Columbia)
Concept for separate MSW collection and biotechnological treatment of the biogenic fraction of household wastes

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DEZA (Swiss Government)
Construction of three digesters for the digestion of solid agricultural wastes in Nyamishaba, Rwanda

FAO / Madagaskar
Construction of 12 biogas plants (different technologies)

Town of Zürich
Projecting combined plants for composting and digestion of the organic muncipal solid wastes at Werdhölzli and Hagenholz, Zürich

different public and private clients
Engineering of biogas and composting plants

Schmid / Kogas AG (Otelfingen)
Development and construction of a waste water treatment plant for the nitrification/denitrification and final treatment with reverse osmosis of the waters deriving from the liquid/solid-separation of digested organic MSW

Planning and lay out of a large scale waste water treatment plant for the waste waters deriving from washing and catering of vegetables and salades (Contact process combined with aerobic waste water treatment). Start-up of the plant.

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chemical/physical analyseschemical analyses of composts and waste waters (heavy metals, nutrients, physical parameters, gas chromatography of biogas and volatile fatty acid composition, etc.)

biological analyses
Determination of compost qualities by doing germination tests; hygienic determinations (destruction of pathogens and of germs of weeds while composting)

waste composition analyses
Determination of the different fractions of MSW (organic [compostable/digestible], glass, metal, paper etc.)

towns, districts, compost plant owners, industries

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Training / Information

PACER (Program for Propagation of Alternative Energies of the Swiss Government)
Organizing symposia and training workshops for engineers in the field of biological waste water treatment and for compost plant owners in order to vulgarize the knowledge on biological waste treatment.

Co-editing the "Biogas Handbook", Wirz Verlag, Aarau.

Publishing of nearly 100 books and publications in the field of biogas

BFE / Energy2000
Developing a Windows-Software for the planning of biogas plants

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biogas, anaerobic, digestion, edelmann, arbeitsgemeinschaft bioenergie, references, projects biogas, anaerobic, digestion, edelmann, arbeitsgemeinschaft bioenergie, references, projects
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Stand: 20. Dezember 2001